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Automation in your ideas

We provide solutions for the simplification of complex industrial processes by designing their automation and efficiency over time.

Anchor servizi
Our offer

The latest addition, a twisting machine for the production of springs for agriculture, summarizes the philosophy of our thinking in terms of industrial automation.

Progettazione macchine automatiche

Know your production.

We design industrial process control systems,

production efficiency and dialogue between machines.

Stampaggio metalli per imballaggio

Born with the Industry 4.0, it is young but has a great future ahead of him!

Developed to get to know the production process from the inside, EASY FACTORY is a strategic ally for those who want to improve company production.

Software industria 4.0, MES, MISE industria 4.0, analisi processo produttivo

Designed for a big name in the agricultural world,

FUTURE EARTH offers tools of understanding for agricultural organization to companies of all sizes.

software gps agricoltura 4.0, MES, gestionale impresa agricola


With more than thirty years of experience in the reconstruction and restructuring of automatic machines, our services include:

- Mechanical and electronic restructuring of industrial machines and processes.

- Re-evaluation of your fleet by updating the safety devices in compliance with current regulations

- Re-building of the production process and enablement to new techniques

- Data analysis to feed the supervision system of network  connected machines.

Revisione macchine litografiche, retrofit macchine automatiche, revisione linea litografica


With more than thirty years of experience in the reconstruction and restructuring of automatic machines, our services include:

- Mechanical and electronic restructuring of industrial machines and processes.

- Re-evaluation of your fleet by updating the safety devices in compliance with current regulations

- Re-building of the production process and enablement to new techniques

- Data analysis to feed the supervision system of network  connected machines.

revione macchine automatiche, retrofit, aggiornamento macchine automatiche, riparazione macchine automatiche, assistenza macchine automatiche
I nostri migliori Partner

Econos is an innovative company that operates in the sector of hospital waste disposal and declassification systems, generating savings on landfill charges.


A very interesting collaboration for the design and construction of their flagship machine.


Metal Press is a leading company in the production of spray cans and components for metal packaging. We carried out the revamping of their eccentric gooseneck, transfer and scroll presses.


It is among the first companies to benefit from the concrete advantages offered by our MES, Easy Factory,

for the application of the Industry 4.0 regulations.

metal press.jpg
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